
Safety Aspects of Carbon dioxide

  Safety Aspects of Carbon dioxide Presence of large quantity of CO2 replace oxygen which is required to support life.since it is heavier than air, it accumulated at the lower level.The maximum allowable concentration in working atmosphere for prolonged exposure is 5000 ppm. While entering in confined spaces containing or suspected to contain high carbon dioxide concentration, oxygen – breathing apparatus should be used. Air sample analysis should be performed frequently to ensure that the presence of the gas is within the safe limit. The atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is 0.03 %. Carbon dioxide in atmosphere Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas with a density about 60% higher than that of dry air. Carbon dioxide consists of a carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms. It occurs naturally in Earth's atmosphere as a trace gas. Property Chemical formula       CO2 Appearance                      Colorless gas Molar mass                 

Cooling Tower in Cooling water maintain and useful device

 Cooling Tower Cooling tower Cooling water maintain and useful device The cooling water is maintained by one of the two cooling water pumps example, XVT – P – 302 , A/B. About 2% of cooling water is passed through a gravity sand filter in order to filter out solid matter.     To maintain good quality of cooling water following provisions are made. (a) Chemical dozing system. (b) Chlorine dozing device. (c) Sulphuric acid dozing. Cooling water flow is about 3540 M3 / hour maximum. Cooling water is used in the following equipments for cooling purpose . (1) Cooler for high pressure Absorber (2) Low pressure Absorber (3) Gas Condenser (4) recovery column (5) Condensers (6) Various oil coolers (7) Compressors inter – stage coolers and jackets (8) Emission control system plant cooler.

Safety Aspects in sulphuric acid

Sulphuric acid Safety Aspects in plant Sulphuric acid is highly corrosive liquid and it is very dangerous when it is improperly handled. When it is stored in tanks or drums, hydrogen may generate inside them and it may form dangerous air – hydrogen explosive mixture. As such no open lights or sparks and smoking should be permitted near the container of sulphuric acid. gum – boots rubber gloves Goggles Rubber aprons While handling sulphuric acid, protective safety appliances e.g. gum – boots rubber gloves, face shield or goggles and rubber aprons should be worn. PROPERTIES :- Chemical formula :- H2SO4 Molar mass :- 98.079 g/mol Appearance :-  Clear, colorless liquid Odor :- odorless Density :-1.8302 g/cm3, liquid Melting point :- 10.31[1] °C (50.56 °F; 283.46 K) Boiling point :-337[1] °C (639 °F; 610 K) When sulphuric acid is above 300 °C (572 °F), it gradually decomposes to SO3 + H2O Solubility in water :-miscible, exothermic Vapor pressure :- 0

CO2 reciprocating compressor

Operation of  CO2 compressor reciprocating compressor CO2 reciprocating compressor Reciprocating compressor start - up           Start– up :- 1. Keep suction valve open, 4th stage discharge valve close, 4th stage vent valve and 4-1 by pass valve open 2. Open cooling water to cylinder jackets, oil cooler, 1st and 2nd stage inter cooler 3. Start the lubrication oil pump adjust pressure to 2.5 to 3kg/cm3 4. Set the turning gear and start barring moter – barring time to 2 minutes 5. Start main moter check abnormal sound in frame cylinder, valve chamber, check bearing temperature, check pressure of each stage and vibrations. 6. Close the drain valve of cylinders from the low pressure side . 7. Close the clearance valve of 1st ,2nd and 3rd stage, starting from the high pressure side. 8. Close gradually 4-1 by pass valve for loading up the compressor. When 4th stage gas temperature goes above 40 C , open C.W. in 3rd stage cooler. 9. Close gradually

Use of urea ,product specifications

  Product specifications   ( as per fertilizer control Order – FCO :- Urea      • Nitrogen By Wt. ( Mon. )  46.00 %      • Moisture By Wt. ( Mix. )  1.0 %      • Biuret By Wt. ( Max. )  1.5 %      • Screen Analysis ( Min. )  ( 2.8 – 1.0 mm ) 80 % Raw Material And Utility Consumption Per MT Of Urea :-   • Ammonia  591 Kg   • Co2 800 Kg   • Power 166 KWH   ( Excluding Cooling Tower & Bagging Lighting)   • Steam 1.420 MT   • Cooling Water 1.5 M3 / MT UREA REACTION :-        2 NH3 + CO2 --- > NH2 COO NH4 +38000 Cal                         <--- NH2 COO NH4 --->  NH2 CO NH2 + H2O +7700 Cal                            <--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------  2NH3 + CO2 ------> NH2 CO NH2 + H2O + 30300                                                                                    Cal/ M   Urea of Urea :- Farmerming  Use                  

Gsfc urea plant

    UREA PLANT PROCESS AT G.S.F.C. LTD INTRODUCTION => Urea was first synthetically in 1828 by wobler from ammonia and cyanuric acid and urea became the first organic compound prepared by synthesis from inorganic material. => The present method of synthesizing urea from NH3 & CO2 has been known in principle since 1968 but commercial production by this method started in 1922 in Germany & in 1932 in United state. => In India, at present there are about 28 urea plants having annual capacity of 21 million ton of urea.  PROPERTIES OF UREA 1. Molecular Formulae        NH2 CO NH2 2. Mol wt.                                  60.06 3. Nitrogen Content                46.6 % 4. Colour                                  White 5. Specific Gravity.                       1.335 6. Melting point.                         132.7 7. Angle of Repose.                        23 8. Bulk Density, gm / cm3           0.672  PRODUCTION PROCE