Use of urea ,product specifications

 Product specifications  ( as per fertilizer control Order – FCO :-


     • Nitrogen By Wt. ( Mon. )  46.00 %
     • Moisture By Wt. ( Mix. )  1.0 %
     • Biuret By Wt. ( Max. )  1.5 %
     • Screen Analysis ( Min. )  ( 2.8 – 1.0 mm ) 80 %

Raw Material And Utility Consumption Per MT Of Urea :-

  • Ammonia  591 Kg
  • Co2 800 Kg
  • Power 166 KWH
  ( Excluding Cooling Tower & Bagging Lighting)
  • Steam 1.420 MT
  • Cooling Water 1.5 M3 / MT


 2 NH3 + CO2 --- > NH2 COO NH4 +38000 Cal
NH2 COO NH4 --->  NH2 CO NH2 + H2O +7700 Cal
 2NH3 + CO2 ------> NH2 CO NH2 + H2O + 30300                                                                                    Cal/ M
 Urea of Urea :-
Application Urea
Farmerming  Use

  • Major Use as a Fertilizer
  • For the cattle feed as a source of protein
  • In the manufacturing of urea – formaldehyde       resin
  • A cloud seeding agent , along with salts , to            expedite the condensation of water in clouds ,      producing precipitation
  • In the manufacturing of potassium cyanate
  • Raw Material for the production of melamine
  • A stabilizer in nitrocellulose


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